BUMI TENGAH: The Malaysian LOTR Blog Parody

Welcome to Bumi Tengah, The Malaysian LOTR Parody blog!!

This blog is mainly gonna be a parody of LOTR using Malaysian bloggers as main characters. To be updated whenever I feel like it. :)

To read past chapters of the parody, go to the Contents page HERE)

Friday, July 15, 2005

Bumi-Tengah preview: The Director Speaks!

Hewo evelybadi, this is your director, Eyeris speaking.

The first chapter of the LOTR parody is almost done, but before I kick off the parody, I would like to get a few things clear first:
  1. This is MY parody, and you can do NOTHING about what I write here! BUAHAHA!
  2. Everything written here is fiction, but will be based on real bloggers (mostly).
  3. I will TRY to make you laugh, but no guarantees there. If it isn't funny, you're most welcome to cry instead.
  4. This is going to be a very text-based parody, with occasional pictures here and there. I work better with Microsoft Word than Photoshop mar...
  5. I'll be writing this in a pseudo book/movie style, with me as director/narrator.
  6. It's gonna be based primarily in KL and PJ, for the most obvious reason that I bloody LIVE here and know the place best.
  7. I could refer to Penang as the Undying Lands, but I'd prefer Sabah or Sarawak.
  8. I'd toyed with the idea of turning Singapore into Mordor, but the geography didn't quite add up...
  9. I'll be using bits and pieces of the parody I once did on the LOTRien Forums, so any LOTRiens reading this blog MIGHT find that some elements may have been recycled...
  10. I welcome suggestions at any point of the parody, and if anyone wants to join me in writing it, you're most welcome to email me at eyeriz@gmail.com. :)

Ok, the Parody shall kick off in... er... about ... er... SOON!

Jeng jeng jeng....


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Coming Soon to Bumi Tengah...


Bumi Tengah presents...

In association with Eye on Everything Productions...

An Eyeris film..


Mackragorn as the scruffy Mat Rock ranger who becomes a Datuk...

Suarwen, as the desperate boyfriend seeking elf princess...

Miniladriel, as the hoity-toity elf queen who stares at mirrors all the time,

The Visiting King of Alamak, as a black robed flasher,

and in the most brilliant and self-serving casting move ever...

The all-conquering Eye-Is-Sauron!



Part one...



Kambing Soon to Bumi Tengah...

Disclaimer: The director reserves the right to change the casting and the title of the movie at any point in time. And there is NOTHING you can do about it! BUAHAHA!


Sunday, July 03, 2005

The Mordor Tea Party Buffet Line

no, I haven't started the parody yet... be patient, young grasshoppers...


Friday, July 01, 2005

Oliphaunt Riders 101: Beginner's Course

While I'm gearing up to launch the LOTR parody, here is a little preview of what kind of photos will be on this site along with the parody... :)
