BUMI TENGAH: The Malaysian LOTR Blog Parody

Welcome to Bumi Tengah, The Malaysian LOTR Parody blog!!

This blog is mainly gonna be a parody of LOTR using Malaysian bloggers as main characters. To be updated whenever I feel like it. :)

To read past chapters of the parody, go to the Contents page HERE)

Sunday, June 26, 2005

An Introduction to Bumi Tengah

I've been meaning to start something like this for ages.

I used to write lots of LOTR parodies when I was active in the LOTRien forum, and it was great fun.

So I decided to start a LOTR parody for Malaysian bloggers, complete with pictures. :-) the blog will parody the LOTR movies (and books), with Malaysian scenarios, and Malaysian bloggers as the cast.

Now, all I need are suggestions for which Malaysian blogger should play which character, and we can begin.... :-)


Saturday, June 25, 2005

The Contents of Bumi Tengah



